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#2 Newsletter from SSTAR

Dear reader,

welcome to SSTAR project!


With this second newsletter of the project, we want to share with you some achievements we accomplished during these last few months.


SSTAR project wants to contribute to the European goal of greenhouse-gas-neutral economy by developing solid state transformers and enlarge their application within the energy power sector. These will, in turn, transform the power grid towards a zero-emissions eletric system.


In the last few months we achieved the following:

CIRCE has completed the HV SST module system specifications in order to establish the basis for a scalable design on SST technology in HV grid applications. By following this achieved milestone, a design of the HF transformer for the HV SST module has been finalized and we are currently performing several iterations to get the final specifications of the IPT to be manufactured.


We have also completed several simulations with the selected topology and the control strategy definition is ongoing.


The development of a decentralized CHB control converter is underway and we have recently finished a report including the design and a set of simulations of the solution operation.

SSTAR also attended two important Conferences where we could share recent achievements with the wider community of researchers.

Don’t miss updates to find out the improved SST technology! If you haven't done yet, have a look at our presentation video and remember to follow us on social media!


Enjoy your reading.

Jonatan Peris Rivas


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Conferences where SSTAR was present
AESMT Conference: Alternative energy sources, materials and technologies
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SDEWES Conference: Sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems
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  Press kit
  Solid State Transformers: A Critical Review of Projects with Relevant Prototypes and Demonstrators
  Solid-State Transformers for High Voltage Applications: FST Project Use Case
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